Posts tagged with: Judy Hoarfrost

USATT #PongPositive Interview – Judy Hoarfrost

USATT Hall of Famer and Paddle Palace Judy Hoarfrost explains...

Hoarfrost Fondly Recalls Barnstorming Tours As Teenage Prodigy

“By the time Judy (Bochenski) Hoarfrost was 15 years old...

Ping-pong diplomacy and US-China relations: the game and the players that changed the course of history

Judy Bochenski was involved in one of the most astonishing...

2018 Oregon State Championships

Article and Photos Courtesy of  Tom Lackaff, Table Tennis Info...

Choosing Your First Table Tennis Racket

USA Table Tennis Hall of Famer Judy Hoarfrost provides an...

Paddle Palace Club & USATT’s SafeSport Program

Starting on January 1st, all USA Table Tennis (USTTA) sanctioned...
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