Posts tagged with: Judy Hoarfrost

50 Years Later, The Legacy Of U.S.-China ‘Pingpong Diplomacy’ Faces Challenges

By John Ruwitch (NPR) Judy Hoarfrost remembers the day she...

Fifty years ago, a hippie, a dental assistant and a 15-year-old helped open China with ping pong

By Michael E. Ruane (Washington Post) Judy Bochenski was 15,...

‘Ping Pong Diplomacy’ Celebrates 50 Years, Just As U.S., China Need It Again

By Scott McDonald (Newsweek) The best table tennis players in...

Ping Pong Diplomacy resonates a half century later

By Tim Dahlberg (Associated Press) They were an unlikely group...

2020 Oregon State Championships

Article and Photos Courtesy of  Tom Lackaff, Table Tennis Info...

USATT #PongPositive Interview – Judy Hoarfrost

USATT Hall of Famer and Paddle Palace Judy Hoarfrost explains...
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