9:30 AM – 4:30 PM March 26th, 2022
@ Bob Keefer Center in Springfield, Oregon – Directions

58 spots available for Student Singles Event. 63 spots available for Adult Educator Event.
Who is eligible?
- For the Student Single Event : Any high school student between the ages of 14 and 18 years of age, registered in grades 9 through 12 in a recognized public, private, or charter school by the State of Oregon as of 3/26/2022.
- For the Adult Educator Event: Any employee, 18 years or older, of a public or private school or school district recognized by the Oregon Department of Education.
What (and when) are the events?
- Student Singles Giant Swiss Tournament (6 matches for all players) 9:30 AM to 1:30 PM, March 26, 2022. See Rules Page for more information.
- Adult Educator Single Elimination Tournament – 2:00 PM to 4:30 PM, March 26, 2022. See Rules Page for more information.
How do I register?
- You can mail in your application by clicking the OFFICIAL APPLICATION FORM, print it out, fully sign it and have it postmarked by March 12, 2022. The cost is $20 plus a $5 mail in fee.
- Or, scroll down and choose one of the QR codes below or click on the appropriate links. to go to appropriate on-line sign up page. You wil be directed to login to the AYTTO’s website. AYTTO is one of our sponsors. Click on the Sponsors Page to find out more of those who are helping us run this event. The cost is $20 and their is no on-line registration fee.
For Additional Info Please visit the – Tournament Home Page