On May 1 the ITTF 2018 Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place at the World Championships in Halmstad, Sweden. Member countries are allowed to make propositions and resolutions to be voted on them member countries. Some changes require 2/3 majority, 3/4 majority or a simple majority.
This year the Executive Committee and Athletes Commission have proposed to amend rule 2.4.7 (bolded) that states:
2.4.7 The racket covering shall be used without any physical, chemical or other treatment that may be considered harmful or unhealthy for the persons.
The Rationale:
- It is impossible to control boosters with the current equipment/procedures, so the actual rule cannot be enforced.
- The main problem of the harmful substances in the way rubbers were collated to blades was mitigated
with the introduction of the VOC controls.
What does this mean for you as a player if it is passed by 3/4 majority?
You will be able to boost without fear of penalty as long as your booster meets the same standards for ITTF approved VOC glue.
Paddle Palace will continue to keep you up-to-date on the vote and all rule changes that affect you as a player!