Courtesy of Seth Pech of PechPong

Seth’s Equipment – Tibhar VS Unlimited Blade with Tibhar K3 on both forehand and backhand.

Quick Tips with links
00:00 Beginning
00:35 Intro
01:32 Tip Number One
01:56 Racket Angle Control
04:15 Stroke Timing Mistakes
06:15 Too Closed Racket or Closed to Open Stroke
09:12 Striking the Inside of the Ball
11:49 Stopping the Follow Through
12:50 Low Wrist Movement
14:11 Hitting Too Much On the Side of the Body
16:21 Backswing Too Early
17:43 Dropping the Hand on Topspin
18:30 No Legs On Underspin
19:21 Leaving Playing Hand behind
20:01 Taking Too Big Swing
21:27 Going Out of Control
22:53 Closing Thoughts

Mastering Your Backhand: A Comprehensive Guide

Table tennis enthusiasts, are you frustrated with your backhand? Have thoughts of quitting crossed your mind due to a lack of confidence in your backhand skills? Fear not, as this article aims to unravel the mysteries of the elusive backhand in table tennis.

Unveiling the Top 15 Backhand Mistakes and Solutions

Racket Angle Control

Racket angle control is crucial, and three common mistakes need addressing:

  1. Spin Misconception: Avoid attempting spin by circling the ball; maintain a steady and straight angle for optimal results.
  2. Raising the Lower Lip: Beware of raising the lower part of the racket, as it hampers spin and control.
  3. Neglecting Elbow Rotation: Keep the elbow steady; rotating around it enhances friction and control.

Drills to Improve Racket Angle Control:

  • Rolling the ball off the table edge.
  • Throwing a frisbee to encourage rotation around the elbow.

Timing the Ball

Backhand success hinges on impeccable timing, and two timing-related issues need correction:

  1. Reaching Too Much: Whether making a stroke or simply poking at the ball, finding the right timing is crucial.
  2. Closed to Open Stroke: Overcoming the tendency to have a closed-to-open swing is vital for consistency.

Training Method for Timing:

  • Using a chair to enforce waiting for the ball to cross a certain point before striking.

Closed Swing and Stuck on Top

Addressing issues related to a closed swing and getting stuck on top of the ball:

  • Fixing the Closed Swing: Adopt the “Place Method” to gradually transition from a closed swing to an open one.
  • Overcoming Getting Stuck: Emphasize the full follow-through to avoid lifting the elbow as a shortcut.

Striking Inside the Ball

Late timing often leads to striking the inside of the ball, resulting in erratic shots. Correct this by waiting for the ball and adjusting the stroke accordingly.

Short Follow-Through

Players sometimes stop the follow-through prematurely, affecting spin and speed. Ensure a complete follow-through for maximum stroke effectiveness.

Low Wrist Movement

Initiate with minimal wrist movement for beginners, gradually incorporating more wrist action as control improves.

Touching Too Much on the Side

Avoid touching the ball too much on the side; focus on striking it in front of the body. Utilize both feet or one-step movements to stay in position.

Taking the Back Swing Too Early

Wait to assess the ball’s speed before taking the back swing to optimize stroke length based on ball speed.

Dropping Hand Too Much on Topspin Balls

Maintain an open racket angle and avoid dropping the hand excessively on topspin balls to enhance consistency.

No Legs on Underspin Loop

For underspin loops, incorporate leg movement by sitting into the shot and springing up, maximizing leverage.

Left Hand Creeping Back

Prevent the left hand from moving too far back during play to maintain powerful and controlled strokes.

Taking Too Big a Swing

Start with smaller, consistent swings to build confidence and gradually increase swing size.

Going Out of Control After One Loop

Practice looping and countering alternately to regain control and avoid developing bad habits.


Mastering the backhand is a journey filled with challenges, but with targeted practice and awareness of these common mistakes, you can elevate your table tennis game. Share your experiences and innovative solutions in the comments to contribute to the collective improvement of backhand skills. May your backhand become a weapon of precision and power on the table tennis court!